Thursday, May 18, 2006

Mike King in Melbourne

Hi Guys;

Mike King here. Down in Melbourne with a good friend Peter Simpson. Peter is a WISE (World International Scientology Enterprises.) Consultant. Peter really know how to help businesses expand with the use of Mr Hubbard's Administration Technology.

Peter is training me over the next week on the application of Administration Scales in order to help people find their basic purpose and from that point be able to lead more fulfilling, happier lives.

Is this true? Can this happen? Absolutely. I recieved a personal Admin Scale about a month ago and since then have been buzzing along happily creating many ways to expand my life.
Yes, life is a great game, but only if you are doing what YOU are doing. Not what somebody else thinks you should be doing.

If you are slightly interested in this then ask your self this question. "What was I doing when I was really happy?" I don't know, but what ever it was it must have been aligned with you basic purpose or you wouldn't have been enjoying yourself.

Any other questions, drop me a line:

Chow for now.

PS. I just tried to put a post on another Mike King Blog but he had no posting setup. Stuck up nerd was only going on about techi shit anyway. Hey Mike King! I am coming after your spot so look out.

The real Mike King. or mike king what ever the SEO likes best.

1 comment:

Michael King said...

When will come up. This is definitely going tobe a great site. Come on google get it up on the charts.